Śrī Mahāgaṇapati Prints On The Way!

Happy New Year! This message is to update everyone on the Śrī Mahā Gaṇapati project.

As many of you already know, I worked for years on scripturally-based drawing of this auspicious form of Gaṇeśa. Digital editing is finally done, printer calibrations are done, and the high-quality paper we ordered has arrived. Prints should be ready to ship next week. YAY!

Thanks to your enthusiasm, patience, and support, fans of Gaṇeśa all over the world have already downloaded the free PDF copy of the artwork for personal use. My goal was to provide this resource for folks who cannot afford to by prints or original art.  Link to the free download below.

Of course, the high-quality signed limited-edition prints, open-edition prints, posters, and postcards are still available at the discounted pre-sale price. Links to the webstore are at the bottom of this message.

For our printing, we will support Ruth Ann Liu-Johnston, an independent graphic design professional who graduated from the California College of Arts and Crafts, currently based in Oakland, California. In her shop, she has her own pro-quality machine to make fine art prints.

Due to a series of difficulties, the prints did not ship in November, as planned. The print shop in San Francisco that I was originally going to work with changed hands. The exquisite German Hahnemühle acid-free cotton rag paper that I wanted to use (it won’t turn yellow with age) was expensive and took a long time to arrive. My personal assistant found a higher-paying gig and I had to scramble to complete administrative tasks on my own.

The good news is, the extra time allowed me to put in dozens of hours digitally editing the original scan of the artwork. I believe this is the most canonically-accurate depiction of this deity that exists in the world today. I plan to do a video class on the symbolism of the image for LivingSanskrit.com. Please visit our website to subscribe and/or signup for the mailing list: https://www.livingsanskrit.com

I would also love to do a full-color painting of this image, so let me know if you’d like an oil-on-canvas version!

Thank you so much for your support. Your pre-orders helped make this image available to devotees all over the world, supported my work as a sacred artist, and a local design studio.

Jai Ekadanta!


LINKS to the prints and free download below:

Here is the link to the 18×18” limited-edition print: https://oneearthsacredarts.com/product/sri-mahaga%e1%b9%87apati-limited-edition-print

Here is the link to the 12” x 12” open-edition print: https://oneearthsacredarts.com/product/sri-mahaga%e1%b9%87apati-open-edition-prints

Here is the link to the 6 x 6” open-edition print: https://oneearthsacredarts.com/product/sri-mahaga%e1%b9%87apati-6-x-6-print

Here is the link to the poster: https://oneearthsacredarts.com/product/sri-mahaga%e1%b9%87apati-poster

Here is the link to the postcard: https://oneearthsacredarts.com/product/sri-mahaga%e1%b9%87apati-postcard

Here is the link to the free download: