Heather Madden

I can’t really believe everyone isn’t an artist.  I started drawing peoples’ portraits at 5.  I have improved a little bit since then, but don’t feel I really know a thing until I paint it. I sincerely hope my work inspires everyone to explore their creative potential.

I love painting on walls, which lead me to street art and mural painting. Several murals of divine beings were completed at the Buddhist yogic school in Berkeley. This culminated in a major 5-story tall mural with the legendary John Pugh in Hawaii.

In 2001 I began studying the art of thangka painting and have worked on projects for a dharma school in 2000. This included traditional Thangka (Tibetan) paintings of White Tara, Norterma, and Medicine Buddha.

The subtle power of this practice is hard to wrap my western head around, but I still try to. This gives rise to deep gratitude for two teachers that have profoundly impacted my life with their teaching on this subject: Andy Weber and Jamyong Singye.

I’ve also enjoyed training with Michele Cassou on Point Zero work. This is a unique methodology that focuses on stilling the mind and being so completely present you can express greater truths past the ego or conceptual mind. Similarly, I have appreciated working with Eka in his studio and manifesting dharmic art in several projects together. 

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