Ekabhumi Speaks On Shilpa Shasthra

For today’s Arkaya Community Class (9 am to 11 am PST) guided by Yogacharini Maitreyi, our guest speaker will be Ekabhumi Charles Ellik, who is an internationally acclaimed yoga instructor and arts educator.


He will be giving a talk on Shilpa Shasthra (the science of sculpture and its composition) as we celebrate International Yoga Month.


Every Saturday (9 am to 11 am PST) for our Arkaya Community Class and Satsang, we have kirtan or an invited speaker. We start with a grounding practice with mudra (mystic/energetic seal) as well as an Arkaya Foundational practice on the mat. Align with the Yogic culture and listen to stories from the tradition.


You are invited to join the Arkaya Community Class & Satsangh. Use the coupon code and get your first class FREE!


Go to the link below and click on the Free Class tab. We look forward to seeing you at our community class & satsang
