OESA’s Zak Timan to Participate in 2013 Venice Biennale

One Earth Sacred Arts’ Zak Timan has been selected to participate in the upcoming Venice Biennale. The Biennale is probably the world’s premier exhibition of contemporary art; congratulations, Zak! Here’s the news in his own words:

Hi Folks! Next week I’m shipping out a large commissioned sculpture to Italy for an exhibition called “Glasstress”, as part of the 55th Venice Biennale. After the install, opening and a little decompression I’ll be staying in Venice for a one month residency with Berengo Studios/Venice Projects. There I’ll produce a body of new works with the help of their team of glass maestros and fabricators.

Here is the press release for the Glasstress show. There are some incredible artists participating!


I’m super thrilled for this opportunity, and I’m not great with progress updates (as you can tell), but I want to try and regularly share photos and news from the project there. Maybe I’ll setup a blog or the like, so look out for that if I can get myself together. And if you’re in Europe this summer I hope you stop by! Thanks friends.