Altar-Building Workshop in Oakland CA, 12 – 14 April, 2019
Are you interested in Ceremony? Deities? Sacred Art? Do you have visionary dreams? Please join Ekabhumi Ellik for a series of events celebrating, utilizing, and learning about the sacred art of making and maintaining a home altar.
This is a “hands-on” intensive with all the supplies and materials included. You will learn more about deities, offerings, and ritual conduct. You will leave with the basic skills for a simple practice of invoking a divinity, protecting your loved ones, and expanding your awareness.
(You may also be interested in the Threads of Culture excursion to India later this year.)
- Day 1: Friday, 12 Apr, 7pm – 9pm
- Lecture on altars, deities, and sacred art
- Day 2: Saturday, 13 Apr, 1pm – 6pm
- Altar-building workshop (day 1)
- Day 3: Sunday, 14 Apr, 1pm – 6pm
- Altar-building workshop (day 2)
Lecture only $20 |
Lecture + 2-Day Workshop $200 |
Tickets, along with more details, are available from EventBrite or by sending payment via PayPal to: oneearthsacredarts at gmail dot com along with your full name, email address, and phone number.
Registration is limited to 12. Hope to see you there!